Yes you can!
Friday-Ad WEBSITE:
Once you’ve completed your advert, you can share it on social media or by email. Go to My Dashboard > Manage my ads to view your ads. Simply click on the social media or email icons next to each ad to share it.
You can also share any ads you find on the Friday-Ad website (including your own) by clicking on the sharing icons on the Ad details page (underneath the images).
Friday-Ad APP:
If you are using the Friday-Ad App to place an ad, a pop-up will prompt you to share it, once it is live. Alternatively you can click on the profile icon to view My ads. Select the ad you want to share, and tap the share button top right to open your device’s sharing options.
You can also share any ads you find in the Friday-Ad app (including your own) by clicking on the ad. You'll find the sharing button top right, which will open your device’s sharing options.